Deaths - Single
The deaths_single table is compiled from the latest archived version of the Civil Registration of Deaths table. The table is curated such that the output contains a single record of death for each unique person ID. Initially, rows in which the person ID is null are removed. Records are subsequently grouped by person ID and ordered by (earliest) registration date, date of death and underlying cause of death. The first of these records is retained and any duplicate records for the same person ID are dropped based on this criterion.
The table is saved to the DSA schema dsa_391419_j3w9t_collab. The archived_on_date is in the format YYYY_MM_DD.
Table Name
The below code will load the deaths_single table as at October 2024 using PySpark:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
dsa = f'dsa_391419_j3w9t_collab'
deaths_single = spark.table(f'{dsa}.hds_curated_assets__deaths_single_2024_10_01')